Sakineh joined the University of Glasgow as a research associate in May 2021 and her expertise lies in the design, manufacturing, monitoring and characterization of composite materials. She is currently working on a high profile EPSRC project (EP/V009451/1) to develop the next generation of high-performance impact-resistant composites with visibility of damage. Besides, she is co-supervising PhD and MSc students. Before joining the University of Glasgow, she was a research assistant at the University of Girona, since Sep 2020, working on 3D printing of laminated composites.
She holds honours BSc (2012), MSc (June 2015) and PhD (expected viva in June 2021) degrees in mechanical engineering. Her MSc was singled out for its quality in a university-wide assessment and she was awarded two best conference paper awards. She also has lectureship and industrial experience related to the design and manufacturing of engineering materials.
She has established a broad international network, collaborating with important composite research institutes including Bristol, Strathclyde, Nottingham Trent, Bologna, and AMADE Girona. These collaborations have proven very fruitful, leading to high-quality peer-reviewed publications, and providing early experience in research management and co-supervision of students.