Euan and Kayleigh attended the International Workshop on 'Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys 2016', which was held at Pembroke College, Oxford, UK.
This workshop drew together industrial and academic experts from a variety of disciplines, including materials science and engineering, mechanical engineering, non destructive testing, and high rate deformation. Discussions focused on microstructure-performance property relationships and their impact on engineering components in industries such as aerospace, nuclear power, and transport. Read more about it here. Euan presented his recent work on determining Ti-6Al-4V single crystal material parameters using a discrete spherical harmonic analysis of lattice strain pole figures from in situ mechanical testing at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source and crystal plasticity finite element simulations. Euan also chaired a session on the high strain rate behaviour of HCP materials. An article co-authored by Dr Andrew McBride, Mebratu Fenta & Daya Reddy has been published in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
An efficient time-stepping algorithm is proposed based on operator-splitting and the space-time discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for problems in the non-classical theory of thermoelasticity. The non-classical theory incorporates three models: the classical theory based on Fourier’s law of heat conduction resulting in a hyperbolic-parabolic coupled system, a non-classical theory of a fully-hyperbolic extension, and a combination of the two. The general problem is split into two contractive sub-problems, namely the mechanical phase and the thermal phase. Each sub-problem is discretized using the space-time dis- continuous Galerkin finite element method. The sub-problems are stable which then leads to unconditional stability of the global product algorithm. A number of numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the performance and capability of the method. You can access the full text via Science Direct by following the link below. An article co-authored by Dr Andrew McBride and Jean-Paul Pelteret, Denis Davydov, Andrew McBride, Duc Khoi Vu & Paul Steinmann has been published in the International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
In this work a mixed variational formulation to simulate quasi-incompressible electro- or magneto-active polymers immersed in the surrounding free space is presented. A novel domain decomposition is used to disconnect the primary coupled problem and the arbitrary free space mesh update problem. Exploiting this decomposition we describe a block iterative approach to solving the linearised multiphysics problem, and a physically and geometrically based, three-parameter method to update the free space mesh. Several application-driven example problems are implemented to demonstrate the robustness of the mixed formulation for both electro-elastic and magneto-elastic problems involving both finite deformations and quasi-incompressible media. You can access the full text via the Wiley Online Library by following the link below. |