PhD student Ross Williams presented the latest updates on the research focused on computationally modelling inertia friction welding of nickel superalloys at the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics in Glasgow last week.
The research led by Dr Daniele Barbera, and for which Ross is a key contributor, has yielded notable progress over the last six months and the work presented included a numerical parametric study, whilst quantifying convergence of solutions as well as validating the robust nature of the work. You can read the full abstract here. Coinciding with the 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, this year's conference attracted over 1,900 delegates and covered an extremely wide range of computational work and applications in over 120 sessions. Hosted jointly between the universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, this is Europe's largest computational mechanics conference and was held in Scotland for the first time. In addition to this, many other members of the MRG were involved in ECCM-ECFD 2018, including Dr Andrew McBride on the organising committee, as well as numerous other students involved as helpers. The event was a great success and we are looking forward to the next ECCM-ECFD conference in Paris in 2020! Comments are closed.