Publications by Chris Triantafyllou
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Triantafyllou, C. , Pagan, D. C. and McBride, A. (2022) Quantifying the effect of macrozones on the cold-dwell fatigue response of UD-Rolled Ti-6Al-4V using high-energy X-ray diffraction. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 834, 142498 (doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2021.142498)
Publications by other group authors
All | D. Barbera | S. Bin Jaber | I. Campbell | D. K. Do | M. Docherty | A. Feeney | M. Fotouhi | S. Fotouhi | E. Frutos-Myro | P. Grassl | E. Grustan-Gutiérrez | A. Hamilton | P. Harrison | S. Kumar | J. Lee | P. Li | S. Liu | Y. Liu | A. McBride | G. Min | D. Mulvihill | J. Perris | J. Schneider | S. Sneddon | A. Tabatabaeian | C. Unluer | E. Wielewski | R. Williams | L. Yusuf
All | D. Barbera | S. Bin Jaber | I. Campbell | D. K. Do | M. Docherty | A. Feeney | M. Fotouhi | S. Fotouhi | E. Frutos-Myro | P. Grassl | E. Grustan-Gutiérrez | A. Hamilton | P. Harrison | S. Kumar | J. Lee | P. Li | S. Liu | Y. Liu | A. McBride | G. Min | D. Mulvihill | J. Perris | J. Schneider | S. Sneddon | A. Tabatabaeian | C. Unluer | E. Wielewski | R. Williams | L. Yusuf