Publications by Enrique Frutos-Myro
MacLaren, I. et al. (2020) A comparison of a direct electron detector and a high-speed video camera for a scanning precession electron diffraction phase and orientation mapping. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26(6), pp. 1110-1116. (doi: 10.1017/S1431927620024411) (PMID:32867871)
MacLaren, I. , Cummings, R. B., Gordon, F., Frutos-Myro, E., McFadzean, S., Brown, A. P. and Craven, A. J. (2019) Performing EELS at higher energy losses at both 80 and 200 kV. In: Hawkes, P. W. and Hÿtch, M. (eds.) Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics. Volume 210. Academic Press: London, pp. 299-355. ISBN 9780128171837 (doi:10.1016/bs.aiep.2019.02.001)
Publications by other group authors
All | D. Barbera | S. Bin Jaber | I. Campbell | D. K. Do | M. Docherty | A. Feeney | M. Fotouhi | S. Fotouhi | P. Grassl | E. Grustan-Gutiérrez | A. Hamilton | P. Harrison | S. Kumar | J. Lee | P. Li | S. Liu | Y. Liu | A. McBride | G. Min | D. Mulvihill | J. Perris | J. Schneider | S. Sneddon | A. Tabatabaeian | C. Triantafyllou | C. Unluer | E. Wielewski | R. Williams | L. Yusuf
All | D. Barbera | S. Bin Jaber | I. Campbell | D. K. Do | M. Docherty | A. Feeney | M. Fotouhi | S. Fotouhi | P. Grassl | E. Grustan-Gutiérrez | A. Hamilton | P. Harrison | S. Kumar | J. Lee | P. Li | S. Liu | Y. Liu | A. McBride | G. Min | D. Mulvihill | J. Perris | J. Schneider | S. Sneddon | A. Tabatabaeian | C. Triantafyllou | C. Unluer | E. Wielewski | R. Williams | L. Yusuf