Publications by Euan Wielewski
Sneddon, S., Mulvihill, D. M. , Wielewski, E. , Dixon, M., Rugg, D. and Li, P. (2021) Deformation and failure behaviour of a titanium alloy Ti-407 with reduced aluminium content: a comparison with Ti-6Al-4V in tension and compression. Materials Characterization, 172, 110901. (doi: 10.1016/j.matchar.2021.110901)
Dawson, P. R., Boyce, D. E., Park, J.-S., Wielewski, E. and Miller, M. P. (2018) Determining the strengths of HCP slip systems using harmonic analyses of lattice strain distributions. Acta Materialia, 144, pp. 92-106. (doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2017.10.032)
Wielewski, E. , Boyce, D. E., Park, J.-S., Miller, M. P. and Dawson, P. R. (2017) A methodology to determine the elastic moduli of crystals by matching experimental and simulated lattice strain pole figures using discrete harmonics. Acta Materialia, 126, pp. 469-480. (doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.12.026)
Wielewski, E. , Arthington, M.R., Siviour, C.R. and Petrinic, N. (2015) Characterising the effects of strain rate, crystallographic texture and direction of loading on the mechanical behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V. Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 1(4), pp. 462-471. (doi:10.1007/s40870-015-0040-4)
Wielewski, E. , Menasche, D. B., Callahan, P. G. and Suter, R. (2015) 3-D α colony characterisation and prior-β grain reconstruction of a lamellar Ti-6Al-4V specimen using near-field high energy x-ray diffraction microscopy. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 48(4), pp. 1165-1171. (doi:10.1107/S1600576715011139)
Wielewski, E. , Menasche, D. B., Callahan, P. G. and Suter, R. (2015) 3-D α colony characterisation and prior-β grain reconstruction of a lamellar Ti-6Al-4V specimen using near-field high energy x-ray diffraction microscopy. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 48(4), pp. 1165-1171. (doi:10.1107/S1600576715011139)
Hazell, P. J., Appleby-Thomas, G. J., Wielewski, E. and Escobedo, J. P. (2014) The shock and spall response of three industrially important hexagonal close-packed metals: magnesium, titanium and zirconium. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 372(2023), 20130204. (doi:10.1098/rsta.2013.0204) (PMCID:25071240)
Wielewski, E. , Birkbeck, A. and Thomson, R. (2013) Ballistic resistance of spaced multi-layer plate structures: experiments on fibre reinforced plastic targets and an analytical framework for calculating the ballistic limit. Materials and Design, 50, pp. 737-741. (doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2013.03.006)
Wielewski, E. , Appleby-Thomas, G.J., Hazell, P.J. and Hameed, A. (2013) An experimental investigation into the micro-mechanics of spall initiation and propagation in Ti–6Al–4V during shock loading. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 578, pp. 331-339. (doi:10.1016/j.msea.2013.04.055)
Wielewski, E. , Appleby-Thomas, G.J., Hazell, P.J. and Hameed, A. (2013) An experimental investigation into the micro-mechanics of spall initiation and propagation in Ti–6Al–4V during shock loading. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 578, pp. 331-339. (doi:10.1016/j.msea.2013.04.055)
Hazell, P.J., Appleby-Thomas, G.J., Wielewski, E. , Stennett, C. and Siviour, C. (2012) The influence of microstructure on the shock and spall behaviour of the magnesium alloy, Elektron 675. Acta Materialia, 60(17), pp. 6042-6050.(doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2012.07.041)
Wielewski, E. , Siviour, C. R. and Petrinic, N. (2012) On the correlation between macrozones and twinning in Ti–6Al–4V at very high strain rates. Scripta Materialia, 67(3), pp. 229-232. (doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2012.04.026)
Wielewski, E. , Siviour, C. R. and Petrinic, N. (2012) On the correlation between macrozones and twinning in Ti–6Al–4V at very high strain rates. Scripta Materialia, 67(3), pp. 229-232. (doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2012.04.026)
Wielewski, E. , Arthington, M.R., Siviour, C.R., Carter, S., Hofmann, F., Korsunsky, A.M. and Petrinic, N. (2010) A method for the in situ measurement of evolving elliptical cross-sections in initially cylindrical Taylor impact specimens. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 45(6), pp. 429-437. (doi:10.1243/03093247JSA639)
Publications by other group authors
All | D. Barbera | S. Bin Jaber | I. Campbell | D. K. Do | M. Docherty | A. Feeney | M. Fotouhi | S. Fotouhi | E. Frutos-Myro | P. Grassl | E. Grustan-Gutiérrez | A. Hamilton | P. Harrison | S. Kumar | J. Lee | P. Li | S. Liu | Y. Liu | A. McBride | G. Min | D. Mulvihill | J. Perris | J. Schneider | S. Sneddon | A. Tabatabaeian | C. Triantafyllou | C. Unluer | R. Williams | L. Yusuf
All | D. Barbera | S. Bin Jaber | I. Campbell | D. K. Do | M. Docherty | A. Feeney | M. Fotouhi | S. Fotouhi | E. Frutos-Myro | P. Grassl | E. Grustan-Gutiérrez | A. Hamilton | P. Harrison | S. Kumar | J. Lee | P. Li | S. Liu | Y. Liu | A. McBride | G. Min | D. Mulvihill | J. Perris | J. Schneider | S. Sneddon | A. Tabatabaeian | C. Triantafyllou | C. Unluer | R. Williams | L. Yusuf